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Search results for "playlists"
The worlds largest online, legal lyrics community. We offer free access to over 2,000,000 song lyrics by 3,000,000 artists, music videos and album and track lists. We also have social networking features and the ability for you to create you own unique playlist that you can share with friends and family. No annoying ads or spam like other lyric sites. Add songs daily and you can even add your own bands tracks and lyrics. Top 100 songs chart updated weekly along with charts broken down by genre. You can search by song title, artist or just the lyrics that you know. more info >> - Gospel Music & Videos
Stand Network is the First Online Multimedia Gospel Community, Where Media Meets the Gospel. With Millions of Christians Visiting the Site daily, there are Songs and Music Videos posted daily from all parts of the world. Articles and discussion sections also create an interactive environment. Users can post and make comments, upload profile pictures and select their friends. A playlist can also be set up. With several African, Spanish, Asian, black American and English artists uploading their latest songs and duets. Stand Network is the website to log unto. Upload your songs, pictures, articles, advertise your company products and services to a wide audience. more info >>
This lyrics directory is the culmination of my years of amateur web development, combining my love for tinkering with code and the desire to offer something useful to the good people of the internet. It features self-developed forums, user-generated playlist creation, popularity charts, personal private messaging, requests. And working on integration with my wallpapers site. The lyrics database is quite extensive (nearing 100 thousand songs), but still growing rapidly and will soon include far more non-English artists than it already does. I`m still learning as I go, but I feel the content is useful enough already to warrant exposing it to the internet. more info >> is a platform for all music lovers where they can listen, upload, organize & share their music in one place and that too without any subscription charges. Users will be able to access their music just by logging in to their account. As is based on concept of mutual music sharing, So, users will be awarded with MuPoints for every music track they upload to database, and then users will be able to redeem those MuPoints by adding music uploaded by other users to their music collection. The aim of is to provide a unique platform to all music lovers where they can have access to plethora of music. more info >>
There are numerous scientific experiments showing that music helps to develop cognitive functions of our brain. This website is a database of music playlists for studying. Also there are categories for writing, creativity, concentraion and other occupations which require the right mind flow. All playlists are classified by type of music style, tempo and other important criterions for comfortable surfing. We are trying to analize community preferences and upload fresh playlists on daily basis. So our users always have new music to discover and share with their friends. Every playlists gives it's unique atmospere and comes along with slideshow. We are constantly trying to excel our free website so our users can enjoy it even more. more info >>