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Businesss rates and Property Audit
As the UK’s largest dedicated business rates and property audit company, Goodman Nash Ltd has over 21 years experience and a highly qualified audit team tirelessly working to discover and recover Business rates overpayments. We work with clients and their agents to unlock barriers to instruction whether it be contracts and partnerships arrangements in order to maximize recovery of overpayments. Goodman Nash source its huge data sets from many organisations including the Ordnance Survey, VOA, SAA, Valuation Tribunal Service, and more to build up a thorough argument case for our client base. Goodman Nash employs a dedicated, inhouse built, state of the art auditing software to crunch through the large amount of data supplied which make us the best at what we do.
Meta Keywords
business rates, rates, property rates, rate audit, rates audit, rate auditor,
Date added
Thursday 07, 2015
R-TT Articles