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Accounting and Finance Blog
The accounting and finance blog was created by a sole proprietor who believed starting up a business was too hard and required too much research. Being an experienced accountant with a Master degree in accounting & finance I still struggeled to get into filing the right documents to the right authorities etc. No wonder people without accounting degrees and without any financial background give up before the company is even up and running! This had to change. That's why I started this blog to help and educate people around the world how to start up your business and how to account and post all the common invoices and journals. Now you will have a blue print of how to do your bookkeeping and don't need to reinvent the wheel every time yourself!
Meta Keywords
accounting, finance, tax, vat, audit, auditor, bookkeeping, financial advice, accounting help, small business entrepreneur, sole proprietorship.
Date added
Tuesday 03, 2015
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