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Coding Explained - IT News & Articles
Coding Explained brings news about IT in general, programming news and just about anything that would be interesting to a software professional. The site also features answers to many popular programming problems and also offers online courses in subjects such as Elasticsearch, Laravel and Zend Framework. The purpose of the website and online courses is to explain everything in an easy to understand language that even non-developers can understand. Our goal is to help aspiring developers learn how to code, and we understand that the road there is not always easy. Sharing experiences and solutions to problems is key in the IT industry, and Coding Explained is therefore also a way of giving back to the community.
Meta Keywords
programming news, php, zend framework, zf2, zend framework 2, java, spring framework, hibernate, postgres, elasticsearch, mysql
Date added
Monday 11, 2015
R-TT Articles