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Game of Jacks
Jack believes a good party will get everyone involved. From a good card game of King's Cup, to our very own hilariously interactive game of 'Stack It', you will create a night all your friends will remember. the Best of all, a portion of all sales help support a local charity. Don't want to buy a thing? That's okay, our DIY section will show you how to make these games yourself. Remember, drinking is always optional, at your own discretion, only if you are of legal age, and never drink and drive. If you haven't played King's Cup, each card contains a mini game, in which the loser of that game takes a drink. One of our favorite card is 'Bust a Jive' where 1 player starts a dance move. The player to their left will use that move and add on a new one. The player that cannot remember the moves or cannot add a new one takes a drink. You probably haven't played 'Stack It'! That's because we invented it. This game looks like Jenga but believe me its nothing like it. Each block has a game written on it and come in 2 colors, black and wood. A player can pull a black block which denotes a one on one battle, or a wood block which denotes a village battle. All of the rules are unique and some of our favorite one on one battle include 'Vote:best hair flip' and 'Race:Elbow clap'. Our best group battles include 'Compete:Animal Noise' and 'B-Box Train.
Meta Keywords
King's Cup, Stack it, Party game, Drinking game, jenga, tumbling towers, circle of death
Date added
Friday 01, 2016
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