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Acupuncture Dallas
Acupuncture has been used safely for thousands of years as the primary form of medicine in China. It is low cost and can treat most ailments. The problem with acupuncture as it is used in America is that most people cannot afford to get the care they need. In most cases, your insurance company will not cover your treatments. That leaves most people with no health care and no access to effective therapies. Community acupuncture is becoming very popular all over the world. You do not disrobe. You will get acupuncture done from the knees down and elbows down. Most of the points that are used commonly are done in these locations. We can treat about 80 percent of patients doing only these points. Getting acupuncture in a group setting enables us to provide care on a sliding scale, starting at $20.
Meta Keywords
Dallas acupuncture, dallas community acupuncture
Date added
Tuesday 02, 2013
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