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The Spiritual Novice
Listed: The Spiritual Novice
Karen de Grenier is a spiritual guidance author and coach. Her valuable meditative techniques will help you overcome your fear and anxiety. Be stripped of your fears, and peer deep into your soul as you reflect and meditate on any emotional or spiritual hurdles. Her website provides those who seek with advice and tips via a newsletter and blog. However, the core of Karen’s knowledge is within her book: “Spiritual Novice, Begin the Journey.” It provides body-based meditation wisdom, helping you to find that inner wisdom and joy that has been buried too long deep inside yourself. Heal, overcome, and thrive when you find order and authenticity within yourself: and Karen can help you find the way.
Meta Keywords
Spirituality, beginner, councelling, counselling, books, Amazon, Begin the journey, consciousness, transformation
Date added
Thursday 08, 2012
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