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Oil Pulling Guide - A traditional holistic remedy
Listed: Oil Pulling Guide - A traditional holistic remedy
This a blog about the ancient oral health folk therapy called oil pulling which originated in India and is found in Ayurvedic texts. Oil pulling was introduced the the western world by a Ukrainian physician named Dr. Karach who successfully used the therapy to treat a number of ailments that patients suffered from in his own practice. According to Dr. Karach this included head-aches, bronchitis, tooth pain, thrombosis, eczema, ulcers and diseases of stomach, intestines, heart, blood, kidney, liver, lungs and women’s diseases among others. The site contains a brief history of the practice, a description of the method, testimonials, referenced research, videos and product recommendations.
Meta Keywords
oil pulling, oral health, gingivitis, coconut oil, sesame oil, gum disease, natural remedy
Date added
Sunday 03, 2014
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