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Cupping, Sports, & Integrative Massage
Massage Columbia serves both downtown Columbia and West Columbia athletes with the best cupping therapy, sports massages, integrative massage techniques, and deep tissue work. Sara Komadina has been providing great massages for over ten years, and she can help you with your back pain, shoulder mobility, low back tension, inflexibility, and sore, achy muscles. Sara specializes in cupping therapy, where she uses small glass or plastic jars to create vacuum-like suction on particular spots on your body. The vacuum pulls muscle fiber adhesions apart to allow new, fresh blood to flood the area with oxygenated cells, while at the same time clearing out old tissue and toxins that have stagnated in your body. If you are looking for a fabulous massage, look no further than Sara and Massage Columbia!
Meta Keywords
massage, cupping, sports, deep tissue, cupping therapy, massage therapy
Date added
Monday 03, 2017
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