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Qigong in Melbourne
Qigong in Melbourne Sifu Garry and Sifu Linda conduct medical qigong classes around Melbourne on a weekly basis. There are four eight week terms during the year. Qigong classes are conducted every Wednesday starting at 7.30pm and finishing at 8.30pm. Sifu Garry and Sifu Linda teach medical qigong, breathing exercises and correction, meditation techniques, relaxation, self healing techniques, tai chi, life style changes, weight control and diet. Sifu Garry and Sifu Linda have trained extensively with Chinese Qigong Masters from China and Australia.Garry and Linda have been teaching medical qigong in Melbourne since 1998. They have helped many people make positive changes in their lives.
Meta Keywords
qigong in melbourne, qigong in abbotsford, qigong in greensborough, medical qigong, qigong, breathing exercises, meditation,
Date added
Tuesday 07, 2016
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