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Pheromones Planet
Pheromones Planet offers in-depth reviews and information on the role of human pheromones and how they increase attraction in men and women. Pheromones are those hidden chemical messengers that are transmitted between the opposite sex to influence behavior. It wasn't until they were featured on ABC news 20/20 special that fragrance manufacturers started to add them to their products. They also play a prominent role in humans and have been added to colognes, perfumes, and even oils. Pheromones planet is one of the oldest pheromone sites that features real reviews on the latest products to hit the market. Anybody that is interested in these wonders knows how important it is to get accurate information on how they work. With so many myths being perpetuated online we strive to provide you with non-biased information and factual reporting. Make sure to check us out and catch the latest news about human pheromones today.
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Date added
Friday 03, 2017
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