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Floatation Therapy
Description is the authority site on all things Floatation Therapy; health benefits of floatation therapy, floatation tanks, sensory deprivation, REST, Epsom Salt, pain reduction and management, stress reduction, and relaxation are all topics that will be covered. Floatation therapy takes place in a floatation tank or sensory deprivation tank. Inside, a person floats effortlessly in 300 gallons of water with more than 1100 pounds of the highest grade of Epsom Salt. The Epsom salt solution renders the person's body incredibly buoyant, taking the pressures of gravity and friction off of sore muscles and joints. This allows the body time and energy to relax and recover, allows cortisol levels to drop, heart rate and blood pressure to fall, as well as allows the person floating a comfortable, serene environment to de-stress.
Meta Keywords
Floatation therapy, floatation, sensory deprivation tank, floatation tank
Date added
Saturday 10, 2014
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