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Become A Pharmacist Headquarters
Become a Pharmacist HQ is a website dedicated to walking you through the different routes that you will need to become a pharmacist or pharmacy technician. We give reviews of the different schools that you may like to attend, tips to get accepted, and what you can expect to make in your area. Pharmacist jobs are expected to grow at higher than average pace over the next 10 years. This means that there will be more positions available for you to have a create career working in a pharmacy. Pharmacist are asked to administer drugs to patients. They must work closely with patients and doctors to ensure the health of their community. If you are interested in becoming a pharmacist, the first step is to get started in a good pre-pharmacy program. After successful completing the pre-pharmacy program, you will need to get accepted by a pharmacy school. This requires taking a few tests such as the PCAT and doing interviews with the school. After completing pharmacy school, you`ll be asked to pass the NAPLEX exam and the MPJE exam to receive your license. The road is not easy, but becoming a pharmacist is well worth the time and challenges that you`ll face.
Meta Keywords
Become A Pharmacist, Pharmacy, School, Technician
Date added
Thursday 05, 2015
R-TT Articles