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Medicalfa Orthopedics
Medicalfa provides complete solutions for orthopedic products and medical equipment. Products that are suitable for prevention and recovery, our long standing experience has made us one of the top and most reputable orthopedic equipment companies in Greece and particularly the northern. Not only we sell orthopedic equipment of the highest quality but we are also able to place the braces and casts on the patient, we have gained the trust of the doctors with our ability to perform and the quality of our products. We provide functional aids that improve the quality of life and medical equipment since 1995. Our company works with the largest orthopedic houses abroad and domestic and we are continuously renewing our product range offering the most advanced solutions.
Meta Keywords
orthopedics, braces, casts, wheelchairs, thessaloniki, medical equipment
Date added
Friday 03, 2019
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