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Today I Can Change with Robb Gorringe - A Journey
This website is about providing a personal revolution movement. You`re going to grow here! I`ve worked with young people, gang members, drug addicts… and I`ve always been blessed to see so many people experience transformation, (…these are people who didn`t think they could change their life.) Even for me! For so much of my life I`ve wanted to change… whether it was addiction, relationships, or just the way I saw my self… Deep down I knew that I could change, but I just didn`t know how. And really, that`s what Todayicanchange is all about. I`m not at all saying that I have all the answers, or even some of the answers you might need. But what I believe is that there`s moments in our life, where people come into our life for a reason. And I believe that this is your season of change!
Meta Keywords
entrepreneur, inspiration, new beginnings, personal development, productivity
Date added
Tuesday 05, 2014
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