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CoCoaching - Coach and Be Coached
Listed: CoCoaching - Coach and Be Coached
A life coach is someone who can help another gain clarity on their current situation in life, develop goals for where they want to be, and set up steps to reach those goals. Through the accountability of life coaching, individuals are significantly more likely to grow and attain their goals. CoCoaching takes all the benefits someone would get from coaching, but takes away the typically high costs a life coach would charge. The way CoCoaching works is this: You and a friend (who you choose) will go through the training course which teaches you the fundamentals of life coaching, and walks you through the tools you can use in your coaching appointment. Then, you and your friend take turns coaching each other, developing valuable growth towards your respective goals. If you're ready to make changes in your life, visit CoCoaching and learn more.
Meta Keywords
life coach, coaching, coach training, life coach training
Date added
Thursday 11, 2014
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