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Teach Yourself The SAT
Listed: Teach Yourself The SAT
Teach Yourself the SAT is a site for students to learn how to self-study for the SAT and get Ivy-level SAT scores in 90 days. The website includes access to free SAT study guides, exclusive video content, information on the college admissions process, and advice on how to leverage your SAT scores to get into college. Teach Yourself the SAT is a resource that works alongside The 90 Day SAT Prescription, a step-by-step self-study SAT prep program. The 90 Day SAT Prescription is an online software that students log in to every day, for 90 days, for custom lesson plans. Teach Yourself the SAT and the 90 Day SAT Prescription were created by renowned SAT tutor Anthony-James Green.
Meta Keywords
Teach yourself the SAT, self-study SAT, improve SAT scores, high SAT scores, college admissions
Date added
Wednesday 01, 2013
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