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All Inclusive travel is the best vacation deal
When booking a vacation, many people ask is it really worth the extra money to go All-Inclusive! The answer is defiantly yes. In most cases the cost is only a couple of hundred dollars more the European option. When you think of it, how much are you going to spend on meals alone? Let’s say you and your spouse go to Mexico for a 7 day vacation, and you eat 3 meals each day that is 21 meals. Now let’s say the average meal for two cost $35.00 this being a very concretive cost for a meal, just for meals we are at $735.00. Then you add in the cost anything that you drink bottled water, alcoholic beverage and soda. You could easily spend $1000.00; All Inclusive plans include all of this plus non motorized sport, shows and in some cases room service and in room beverage bar. So as a travel agent that has been around the block a few times, I always encourage for our customers to go with the All Inclusive plan. Scott Shaver, GMS Vacations.
Meta Keywords
travel all inclusive, vacations, cheap vacations,resorts, destination weddings, honymoon
Date added
Thursday 07, 2011
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