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Listed: Stoicly
Have you ever really read and digested some stoic philosophy? I didn`t until reading `Letters From a Stoic` and then I was inspired to write this blog about all the writings of Seneca, he was truly a great thinker, and relevant to our times even though he lived about 2000 years ago in Greece around the time of Jesus. Stoic`s are usually referred to as people who are indifferent to pain or pleasure, some is said to have a stoic face when they take bad news well. This is because they have everything put together so well inside their own heads that they can handle anything, because everything is good news. Would the world be better if everyone was like that? Would we have more peace? Read into Seneca, and you will find yourself much more readily available to accept life in any shape or form
Meta Keywords
Seneca, Letters From a Stoic, stoicism, philosophy
Date added
Friday 12, 2011
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