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Poul Blik Zinktagrender
Plumber Firm Poul Blik ApS is owned and operated today by Steen Bredkær Mikkelsen, who took over the company in 2000 - and since then the company has undergone rapid development. We have headquarters at Intersection 24 in Tarm, where we also dispose a 300m² large workshop. We offer ourselves as plumbers everywhere in Denmark, but our task is typically in Skjern Tarm, Herning or Varde area. We perform all types of plumbing, everything from repair of twigs, flashings, eaves, gutters, downpipes, zinc roofs, copper roofs or slate roofs - also in natural slate. We have many years experience in all types of houses, cottages, garages and commercial buildings. Together with the customer, we always find the best and most economical solution, and for us, no job is too big or too small. Contact us and have a chat with your licensed plumber. We are always fresh with a good deal for the right price. Give your property a `facelift` with new gutters or new attic. We offer plumbing throughout Denmark, but our primary working radius is the area around Skjern, Tarm, Herning and Varde. We have many years of experience and is a company in rapid development.
Meta Keywords
zinktagrender pris,skifertag,blikkenslager
Date added
Saturday 10, 2015
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