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Central Park Tours - Bike and Pedicab Tours
Central Park Bikes is a tour company located in the heart of New York City. Our goal is to provide you with the best sightseeing service available in the Big Apple. We offer Central park tours - bicycle and pedicab tours. We also do tours in the city - our one-day Manhattan pedicab tour is the best sightseeing experience you can get. It is a drop on-drop off tour which lasts 7 hours. In one day you will be able to see every highlight New York has to offer. Another major highlight is our Brooklyn bridge bike tour - our tour guide will guide you through the history of downtown Manhattan and the construction of the Brooklyn bridge. We have included a Central park tour gallery so that our customers can upload their pictures and share their Central park experience. Renting a bicycle is also an option but we specialize in guided tours because New York City is not only a fantastic view. It`s the spirit of innovation and perfection. If you decide to take a walking tour or bike on your own we have included a Central park map which shows the major highlights in Central park and midtown Manhattan.
Meta Keywords
Central Park Tours, Central Park Bike Tours, Central Park Pedicab Tours, bike Central Park, Manhattan Tour, NYC bike tour, Central Park Map
Date added
Friday 05, 2012
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