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Gerenciamento de Manutenção de eManut
EMaint is a SaaS (Software as a Service) business leader in the development of the latest generation for managing equipment maintenance with computerized maintenance management system (CMMS). Our customers are industrial (factories), facilities, hospitals, schools, service providers, distributors, vehicle fleets, municipalities, etc. The eMaint X3 system improves asset reliability and operational efficiency while controlling costs with software maintenance. In today`s economic environment, companies are looking to optimize resources, meet the production demands, improve productivity, and increase profits. With maintenance planning eMaint X3, managers and maintenance supervisors can plan, schedule, prioritize, reporting, indicators (kpi`s) record anomalies, simply in order to maintain the operation of production equipment and make decisions based on facts.
Meta Keywords
eam, cmms, plano de manutenção, software de manutenção, software de gerenciamento de manutenção, plano de manutenção de veículos
Date added
Tuesday 08, 2013
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