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Learn graphology, Handwriting analysis, Graphology
When someone writes, although his hand does the writing, his brain does the dictating. There have been cases of amputees who, having lost the hand or arm with which they wrote, relearned the skill with either their opposite hand, foot, or mouth. Aside from the reasonable shakiness caused by the difficulties of the feat, the writings were extremely comparable to the originals. Trained graphologists had no trouble distinguishing the same individual. From this, we see that it is the character that is expressed by the writing. When one writes in a specific way, it denotes a particular character trait that originates from the brain. As a youngster you were shown to write. Why don’t you carry on writing the way you were taught? The fact that you don’t is why the study of graphology exists….
Meta Keywords
graphology, handwriting analysis, graphology analysis, graphology courses, handwriting analysis courses
Date added
Friday 02, 2015
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