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Era-energy | Renewable energy sources
Renewable energy sources are the key to our survival. We need energy in every aspect of our life and that`s why it is crucial to have an inexhaustible resource on which to to rely on when the conventional ones are over. When we think about the wind, water or the sun, we must see our grandchildren’s future but not the day tomorrow. On the other hand investing in renewables increases the level of funds transferred for science and improvement of technology instead of drilling the body of the Earth. On our site there are listed most of the manufacturers of renewable systems equipment as well as the governing bodies on different states, on different continents. New sections will soon be published. We aim at preservation of life.
Meta Keywords
renewable energy, suppliers, decision makers, organizations, solar power, wind, geothermal, photovoltaic, hydropower, alternative, green energy
Date added
Thursday 04, 2012
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