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Voice of the People Write, email your congressman
Listed: Voice of the People Write, email your congressman
Description was founded to provide all Americans access, and to have a voice in Congress. Many are angry with politicians playing politics with our future. Vpnational consolidates legislation in Congress into a concise format; allowing users to be educated and make informed decision on bills in Washington that will affect their lives. They can write, or email their Congressman directly from the web site. Patriot members may also view and track the voting records and activity of any member of Congress. Updates and alerts are sent to members email when bills or legislation has an action taken on it. We strongly endorse a representative form of government where the people are enpowered.
Meta Keywords
voice of the people VPnational,congress,email congress,write congressman,contact your congressman,email your congressman,legislation
Date added
Tuesday 08, 2011
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