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Geoff Laughton
I work with individuals and couples who are feeling stuck and unhappy in their relationships…with themselves, their partners, and their life. I guide them in how they can live more harmoniously with their hearts so that love guides their lives, actions, and dreams rather than their more limited, mental sense of what they can do, be, or have in their lives. I particularly work with people who are in mid-life, ready for their next big emotional, mental, and Spiritual growth spurt. They are people who are finding themselves stuck in boredom, feeling disconnected from their lives, each other, their kids, their work…they`re craving feeling re-connected to passion, inspiration, and love again. I help them regain clarity on what they really want going forward (distinct from what they`ve been settling for or been in a rut about), help them remove the internal emotional blocks that have been keeping them stuck and unclear, and then coach them on the steps necessary to turn their vision for their life and their relationships from a concept to reality.
Meta Keywords
coaching, couples, relationships, singles, marraige coach, spirituality coach
Date added
Tuesday 07, 2012
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