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Bytecoin Cryptocurrency
Bytecoin is the most private and advanced cryptocurrency of nowadays that allows for anonymous money transfer all over the world with minimum fee. Based on the unique CryptoNote protocol, Bytecoin has awesome products for e-commerce (RPC Wallet) and customers (GUI Wallet). Bytecoin has built its own financial ecosystem, has its own ticker (BCN) and can be traded as any other currency on the virtual exchanges. Bytecoin can be used as an effective way for funds storing, due to its modern cryptographic features that make Bytecoin Wallet unbreakable. Bytecoin is a decentralized platform, which means there’s no central authority that can issue money. Money emission is based on a special algorithm and is absolutely decentralized. The Bytecoin Network is p2p, which means there’s no main server, so the rules are the same for any user, thanks to special computational algorithms and network rules.
Meta Keywords
cryptocurrency, bitcoin, bytecoin, digital currency, virtual currency
Date added
Tuesday 09, 2015
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