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Fowl Foolers Port Clinton, Ohio
Manufacturer of burlap wrapped foam duck and goose decoys and duck calls, including wood calls and acrylic calls. Our factory and showroom location is 2435 East Gill Rd, Port Clinton, Ohio. Established in 1988, Fowl Foolers holds five patents in the decoy industry. These duck and goose decoys can take a shot and will not list or sink, unlike plastic decoys. Fowl Foolers currently offers 11 different decoy heads which are rotomolded and virtually indestructible. Glass eyes are used to provide the most realism possible. Most recently released, the innovative Fowl Foolers Flapper is designed to provide a hunter with handheld motion at a fraction of the cost of motorized motion decoys. This product brings ducks in so well, some hunters have claimed that they no longer need to blow their duck calls.
Meta Keywords
duck decoys, duck hunting, goose decoys, duck calls, duck call, foam decoys, goose calls, waterfowl hunting, duck decoys for sale
Date added
Tuesday 10, 2013
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