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JKD Fencing Club
Bagua Zhang is a no-impact workout that improves balance while strengthening the muscles, joints, and bones of the legs. Gentle turning hand-body motions also sharpen the mind. For those unfamiliar with Bagua Zhangs style, here`s an interesting youtube music video called `Bagua vs the world 101 ways to train` youtube link. JKD Plyometrics is a plyometric workout focused on drilling a fighting guard along with key fine motor skills used in Jeet Kune Do: `The way of the Intercepting Fist` (by Bruce Lee). JKD Fencing is a hybrid martial sport focused on fencing with the arms and legs. This will be a partnered practice incorporating timing drills such as in foil fencing and two person Bagua combat application training. We will use an open hand to tap for a `score` and also palm techniques to establish a `foil` or redirect of an opponents oncoming energy. Legwork will include blocks and sweeps to unbalance your opponent. Protective padding and armor is worn. Our attitude is that our training partners are our friends, and teaching associates.
Meta Keywords
Baguazhang Pa Kua Bagua JKD Jeet Kune Do Fencing Plyometric Workout Application
Date added
Saturday 08, 2014
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