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Krav Maga Dacians Bucuresti
Krav Maga Dacians is teaching the Israeli military close combat system in Bucharest, for civilians m men and women at any age. Krav Maga is a very simple to learn system but in the same time very effective self defense system. The main goal of our school courses is to develop the skills needed by participants to defend themselves but also to others, without the need of training over a long period of time. The objectives aimed at increasing the rate of reaction and quick recognition of dangerous situations, even anticipating danger, for organizing a rapid response if perhaps defuse conflict. Educating students in order to maintain self-control in stressful situations is one of the main goals of our lessons, and all this without affecting the good atmosphere during courses available.
Meta Keywords
krav, maga, autoaparare, bucuresti, romania, self defense
Date added
Tuesday 05, 2015
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