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Tae Kwon Do Training Diary
Listed: Tae Kwon Do Training Diary
Follow a family aged from 3 - 36 as they learn Taekwon do as a family and learn more about the martial art. A dad with a beer belly and little fitness, a mum who swims a lot and 2 kids with good co-ordination. We are all going to the same tae kwon do academy and have the same instructor although the grown-ups in a senior class, the 6 year old in the Dragons class and the 3 year old is a Little Ninja. This shows the changes in how they learn as well as the levels of fitness, co-ordination and flexibility.
Meta Keywords
Taekwon do, taekwon do training, tae kwon do training, taekwon do training diary
Date added
Sunday 12, 2011
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