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Your guide to gear for an active lifestyle!
We live in Norway an excellent place to test and review outdoor gear: Tough weather conditions, wind and harsh rain. Surrounded by mountains on the West coast of Norway, Bergen receives a lot of weather, but still has a great opportunity for outdoor activities. In these conditions we test and review outdoor related products and share our experience with our visitors. In Norway the first saying that foreigners learn is: `There is not bad weather only bad clothing`. We want to show which of the outdoor products you will love and if we find those to avoid we will tell. Looking for tents, sleeping pads, shell jackets, Gore-Tex garment, Norwegian brands, skis, boots, helmets look at our site first. If you plan to travel to Norway (as many others do every year) we will give you the inside information you need to decide where to go and what to do.
Meta Keywords
Review Test Travel Outdoor Lifestyle
Date added
Wednesday 12, 2013
R-TT Articles