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Employee Self Service - CIC Plus
CIC Plus is an HR technology company that provides employee self service solutions to help employers save time and money. Services include paperless pay, online W-2s, online W-4s and custom online e-forms and enrollment paperwork. Using secure server technology, employers and employees can log in any time of day or night and access enrollment forms, make changes for residency, update dependents and more. The technology is completely secure and is a huge time and money saver for companies that have at least 5,000 employees. The technology provides multilingual functionality and employees can choose to receive email or text alerts. An added benefit is that by providing employees ownership of their own paperwork, errors are greatly reduced and phone calls for changes to HR are rare.
Meta Keywords
employee self service, ESS, paperless employee, employee online service, paperless pay, human resources outsourcing, DotNetNuke, DNN
Date added
Tuesday 01, 2012
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