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Christmas Tree Decorations
This is an eclectic collection of Christmas Decorations created with a variety of needlework techniques and materials, both traditional and innovative. There are unique patterns for quite traditional cross stitch, embroidery and crochet snowflake ornaments that are a joy to add to any Christmas Tree. The embroidery on Felt Ornaments provide a blend of traditional embroidery on bold and colourful surfaces giving them a new twist. For the more adventurous there are ornaments created using craft foam decorated with embroidery and beads. These can be a lovely way to introduce sewing and embroidery to children and are really meant to be the creative inspiration to a limitless realm of play. I’ve also included some classic Christmas projects that I enjoyed as a child, always just a little different.
Meta Keywords
christmas tree decorations, christmas tree decorating ideas, christmas tree ornaments, christmas tree decoration,
Date added
Thursday 05, 2012
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