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Ratnakar Ojha an Indian Artist
A work of Art should look beautiful and be communicative. I use small and large size canvases depending on the subject. For bold work, I prefer a larger canvas as it helps me to work freely. Most of the time I work on a single Figure or Object with minimum background. A good work of Art- it attracts you and has magnetic value be it figurative/abstract or any other style. In my paintings I give importance to colours, texture and line. I find more solace in nature than the artificial world. I use basic colours in my painting and mostly warm colour. Red used in my paintings is not painful because colour ‘changes’ through forms, like a red circle or a red triangle. Today life is very complicated—whether a rich or a poor, literate or illiterate, a saint or a hero—all are victims of mental tension. World is full of opposites: good and bad, beautiful and ugly, negative and positive. I seldom paint frustration although I reacted to it. I find painting is a silent media to not mean for giving social messages. Other media, like T. V. and Print media are better. I find solace in painting. Love, hate, anger, joy, sorrow are the energy force behind my work. Colours and forms are the life of a painting. Light is also important to me in a painting and I create light through the use of hues. I work in Oil, Acrylic though sometimes I like watercolour and pastels.
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website of Ratnakar Ojha, a well known Indian contemporary artist, containing information on his paintings and other related information.
Date added
Friday 11, 2012
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