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Listed: jensbballart
Jens bball art portrays a fresh perspective on basketball. Her art isn't merely athletes playing their sport, but rather; a look into their character. She tells a story about the athlete. Not only does Jen pull inspiration from their style of play, but also their personal lives. She incorporates their culture, hobbies, nicknames est. into each painting. Creating something both the athlete and fans will appreciate. Jen is working on a series that incorporates the "Black Lives Matter" movement as well. Race plays an integral part of athletics. Many civil rights issues have been displayed and broken during competition. Black, male, basketball players are in a precarious position. For many, basketball has been a life line to a better life. A way out of poverty. A way to take care of their family. They are also on a stage where they can voice their opinions about social injustice. They have the power to inspire. Jen tries to capture this in her more socially conscious pieces. Jen has a passion for all aspects of basketball that shines through in her art.
Meta Keywords
basketball, art, Chicago Bulls, Milwaukee Bucks, Miami Heat, NBA, Air Jordans, Michael Jordan, painting, superheroes, slam dunk, dribble
Date added
Tuesday 02, 2015
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