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The Timber Factory
Listed: The Timber Factory
The Timber Factory supplies all the timber required to build your own carport, verandah, patio, pergola and deck. You can use treated permapine timber for the frame or a more eco friendly alternative is LOSP (liquid organic solver protection). We also supply sleepers for your retaining wall. Sizes for the sleepers are 200x50, 200x75 or 200x100mm in either permapine, redgum or eco wood. We can also source different hardwood decking including Kapur, Northern Box, Swan River Red just to name a few. Please feel free to send in a list of other building materials for a quote as well. Orders are accepted online and we offer a delivery only service.
Meta Keywords
shop, prestashop, timber, permapine, losp, sleepers, hardwood, decking, carports, pergolas, vernadahs, patios
Date added
Sunday 02, 2011
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