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Chicago Fire Damage Repair
Fire and smoke damage or destroy thousands of homes every year. In 2010, reported fires totaled 1.3 million. Of these were 482,000 structure fires, 215,500 motor vehicle fires, and 634,000 were outdoors or other miscellaneous fires. Combined, these fires resulted in a staggering $11 billion in property damages. Insurance Restoration Services provides Chicago and surrounding communities with professional Fire Damage Restoration Services. Insurance Restoration Services is one of the largest restoration companies in Illinois and provide 24/7 emergency service to get you back into your home or business fast. We work with your insurance company to help keep the out-of-pocket cost to a minimum.
Meta Keywords
fire damage, fire restoration, chicago fire, fire damage repair, fire damage restoration, chicago fire damage, chicago fire damage restoration
Date added
Friday 01, 2012
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