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Lamb Law | Personal Injury Solicitors Wirral
Listed: Lamb Law | Personal Injury Solicitors Wirral
Lamb and Co is a personal injury site dedicated to obtaining 100% compensation for all types of injuries including road accidents, work related injuries and industrial disease. Lamb and Co Solicitors also provide legal services for medical negligence problems - from hip replacements to MRSA claims that may have occurred when in hospital for any type of operation. Our solicitors and lawyers have a huge reputation when claiming 100% compensation for injuries and have our own youtube channel dedicated to testimonials from successful clients who have been involved in a non fault car accident or work injury. To start your claim please log-on to our website and fill in the form. If you have a valid claim we will even give you a £500 advance compensation before we settle your claim.
Meta Keywords
Accident, Compensation, Traffic Accident, Disease, Negligence.
Date added
Monday 06, 2011
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