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Law Offices of Eugene Fimbianti PC
The Law Offices of Eugene Fimbianti PC is located in downtown Joliet, Will County, Illinois. Attorney Eugene “Gino” Fimbianti is a former police detective, felony prosecutor and overseas police-prosecutor advisor with over 20-years of real world experience in the trenches of the criminal justice system. We specialize in criminal defense cases, including DUI and traffic law issues. Call today for a free, no obligation consultation of your criminal, family or personal injury case. Your good name and your liberty is precious, don't take on the system alone! Protect your rights, your freedoms and your good name. When you are facing severe criminal charges, it is necessary for you to have a hard-hitting, tenacious attorney at your side, solid, real world representation from an experienced Illinois criminal defense attorney who will fight for you to protect your rights, your good name and your freedom.
Meta Keywords
Will County lawyer, Joliet lawyer, DUI, Will County lawyer, drugs, felony, revoked, suspended, misdomeanor,
Date added
Monday 10, 2011
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