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Mirena IUD lawsuits are being filed across the U.S. due to severe side effects caused by the contraceptive device, manufactured by Bayer. Numerous victims of the IUD have reported adverse events to the FDA, claiming that they were not adequately warned by Bayer about the risk of the IUD spontaneously migrating from its original implant location within the uterus. Balkin & Eisbrouch, LLC., practice in both state and federal district courts. We are committed to providing individual as well as personalized care to our clients. Our team of experienced attorneys are dedicated to representing women suffering from Mirena side effects throughout the United States. Contact us for a free case evaluation by visiting our website.
Meta Keywords
Mirena lawsuit, Mirena side effects, Mirena IUD side effects, Mirena problems, migration of Mirena IUD, recall of Mirena IUD, Mirena complications
Date added
Tuesday 10, 2013
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