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Trimethylaminuria - rare metabolic disorder
Listed: Trimethylaminuria - rare metabolic disorder
Trimethylaminuria is a consequence of a recessive genetic mutation situated in the FMO3 gene in chromosome 1. The non-fatal condition makes affected people emitting an ammonia-like smell mixed with decaying fish odor in their excretions (sweat, urine, breath, etc.) because of enzymes disabilities to process TMA into TMAO. TMAU is hard to diagnose with precision and is incurable. Many not-proved efficient treatments were developed to restrict bad odors intensification like low choline diets. Bad odors have no relation with hygiene. Trimethylaminuria has serious social impact on sufferers, which develop a lonely lifestyle and low self esteem, feel rejected, find themselves subjects of mocking and embarrassing remarks, and lose frequently their jobs.
Meta Keywords
trimethylaminuria, tmau, fish odor syndrome, bad breath, rotten fish
Date added
Monday 11, 2014
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