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Modern Era Naturals
We offer Liposomal Vitamin C, B12, Curcumin and Glutathione. Liposomes allow the vitamins or supplement to bypass your digestive system and enter directly into your blood stream (where they can be used!) The process has been used for decades by pharmaceutical companies to deliver various medications. It's also a popular technology with beauty companies, especially in moisturizing products. Now, it's come to the world of natural medicine, allowing us to use the technology to give people a higher absorption rate than traditional vitamins and supplements. On average, you'd absorb approximately 19% of a 1000mg dose of Vitamin C, but with Liposome technology, you'd absorb 90%. Liposomes are created using non-GMO sunflower seed oil, which makes them safe, natural and effective.
Meta Keywords
Liposomal Vitamin C, B12, Curcumin, Glutathione
Date added
Thursday 02, 2016
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