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Helping wishes come true.
If you want to get preggers, this is the website for you. Did you know that lots of people can't get pregnant? This is a travesty. But these people make it happen! They use space-aged materials like plastic, Velcro, and a sponge. Not sure what the sponge is for, but I'm positive that it's useful. Anyways ... if you want babies, spend your money here. They are cool. In fact, the doctors all have degrees in awesome. Gah! I almost wish I was a woman so I could go here and get pregnant. Almost. (The idea of pushing out a watermelon-sized mammal out an orifice the size of a quarter scares the tar out of me.)
Meta Keywords
FSMG offers fertility services with a “couple-centric” approach: each c
Date added
Friday 04, 2011
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