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MultiverseCity is an education platform that propels innovation forward. We achieve this by organizing the absolute best, time-tested resources, services, and self-knowledge in one place. In so doing, we make this much needed and valuable "Education of Success" available to the public. Not only are we re-inventing education, but through our community social network and E-Commerce platform catered to lifestyle creation, we're also re-defining expression. Our platform is dedicated to millions of creative individuals who realize schooling and 9-5 jobs do not fit the vision that they have for their life. This is for the amazing people who desire to take their life into their own hands instead. This is a solution that bridges the gap between a dream and a possibility.
Meta Keywords
Self-Knowledge Directory, Social Network & Job Board, Lifestyle Creation, Education of Success,Community E-Commerce, Lifestyle Creation Blog.
Date added
Monday 02, 2016
R-TT Articles