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How to study effectively
The Ultimate Study Method (USM) is an accelerated learning program which incorporates Speed Reading, Memory enhancement systems, Deep concentration techniques, and Optimal Note-Taking systems- all combined into a specific procedural 5-step approach that allows the user to learn any topic faster, with higher comprehension and long term recall. The Ultimate Study Method uses ideas and concepts that have existed during the Pythagorean era and possibly originated as far back as ancient Egyptian time. However, the crux of the approach is to combine evolved and time tested techniques with the latest scientific research. In the written exposition of the topic, the scientific method plays a major role in debunking myths, refining old techniques as well as introducing new ones. The result is an optimal method for learning any type of information.
Meta Keywords
How to study, how to memorize, how to speed read, how to concentrate, how to meditate, fast mental arithmetic, note taking
Date added
Thursday 10, 2011
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