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All the Best Daily Deals in One Place!
Dealafrica is one of South-Africa’s most popular daily deal aggregator website. Dealafrica collects all the best daily deals in south Africa from all the group buying websites like Groupon, Cityslicker, Collectivecow, Youdeal, Citymob, Vuvuplaza, Catchoftheday, Ubuntudeal and lots more, and puts them all in one place so that you can enjoy all the great offers and save money. Dealafrica’s services are all Free – so you don’t have to pay a scent to enjoy all the above. Dealafrica lets you choose the deals by category, thus saving you time and making things easy. Dealafrica has deals from each major city including Johannesburg, Cape-Town, Pretoria, Port-Elizabeth, Durban and etc. Take a look and enjoy some great daily deals in South Africa!
Meta Keywords
social buying, group buying, deals, coupons, daily deals, daily deals south africa, vuvuplaza, dealzone, groupon
Date added
Sunday 06, 2012
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