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Growler Koozie With Strap | Beer Growler Carrier
Growlers are jugs made of glass, ceramic or stainless steel and are used extensively in the United States and Canada to transport draft beer. Typically breweries and brewpubs sell these Growlers in order to sell take-out craft beer. In recent years there has been a rapid growth in the popularity of Growlers as a result of demand coming in from craft breweries and home brewing. Collectible Growlers are also gaining popularity Growlers were first made in the United States more than a century ago and since then have undergone change in design and shape. Nowadays a typical Growler is made of glass and has a screw-on cap or a hinged cap that can help to maintain a beer fresh for more than a week.
Meta Keywords
growler koozie with strap, growler cozies wholesale
Date added
Tuesday 03, 2015
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