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Swing Smarter Baseball Hitting Drills
Have you heard the phrase "Principals are few, methods are many"? What does this mean? Principals are universal laws of the universe, or when it comes to hitting a baseball or softball, laws of human movement. Methods are the means to achieve principals. The locomotion of our bodies are governed by certain guidelines: planes of motion, specificity principals, spine engine theory, and many others. Most videos you watch on YouTube analyze methods. And without a good grasp of human movement principals, methods are meaningless. At swing smarter baseball hitting drills we're human movement fanatics. Putting in almost a decade of research, study, and development in corrective movement science. Also, playing four years at the division one college baseball level doesn't hurt either. We apply real proven science to hitting. Visit swing smarter today!
Meta Keywords
baseball hitting drills
Date added
Thursday 08, 2013
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