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Gig Launch for Artists and Promoters
Gig Launch is Australia's first online booking agency, for international artists and promoters. Artists get the gigs and opportunities they want directly from the promoters they normally couldn't contact. Upload and submit your EPK (Electronic Press Kit) to heaps of opportunities both at home and abroad. We've sent artists to Japan, London, Nashville and all around Australia for little more than a five dollar submission fee. Promoters - find the next big up and coming or established artist for your upcoming event, gig, opportunity or festival. Head over to the website to have a look. Go Aussie, go Gig Launch!
Meta Keywords
Gig Launch, Gig, Artists, play, Australia, Promoter, Event Managers, Record labels, acts, gig, best, International, music, gear, your, band, musicians
Date added
Tuesday 04, 2011
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